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Faith-based organisations (FBOs) are increasingly raising their voices and participating in global advocacy around the urgent need for policymakers to protect and restore nature, and address climate change.


FBOs have a long history of advocating for a range of global challenges, from promoting human rights and peace and security, to community wellbeing. In recent years we have seen a sizeable increase of these groups advocating for global environmental concerns, from climate change, andbiodiversity loss, to pollution and the right to a healthy environment.


Such advocacy efforts are largely aligned with UN and other multilateral and governmental processes, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBC), the European Union, the G7 and the G20. 

'We need the moral voice and spiritual authority of faith leaders globally to summon the conscience of world leaders, awaken their ambition, and inspire them to do what is needed.'  
 António Guterres, UN Secretary-General

CBD COP16: October 2024

Faiths for Biodiversity at COP16

Faith groups are out in force at the Convention on Biological Diversity COP16 in Colombia this October 2024, demonstrating how they are implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Read the Uniting for Nature Report here, showcasing the significant work being undertaken by faith-based organisations around the world to achieve a nature positive world and make peace with nature:




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'...when it comes to biodiversity, the voice of science and the voice of faith are key'  Astrid Schomaker

During the first week of COP16, representatives from Faiths for Biodiversity met with CBD Executive Secretary Astrid Schomaker (pictured left). They presented her a copy of their Uniting for Nature report and discussed how UN CBD and Faiths for Biodiversity can support each other's work. Click below to read her comments.

Faith and Biodiversity UN Coordination Group


With increased public awareness about climate change, notably since 2015, faith-based organisations have made this cause an area of their advocacy at national and international levels. Viewing climate change as moral and ethical concern, their advocacy has largely focused on loss and damage, securing a Just transition, and divestment from fossil fuels. 


Interventions from high-profile faith leaders, most notably His Holiness Pope Francis, have brought attention to their work from a range of stakeholders, including the private sector, governments and other civil society constituencies. 


Within the context of biodiversity, since 2020 there has been a concerted effort by faith groups to bring their moral and ethical voice to advocating the protection of biodiversity. In 2020 faith groups issued a Biodiversity Call to Action that was endorsed by more than 50 faith-based organisations. This group later went on to spearhead faith advocacy in the lead up to and including the CBD COP15 in Montreal in 2022. They issued a set of priorities for a strong and ambitious GBF, and hosted over 20 events during COP15 highlighting the role and importance of engaging faith-based organisations in the protection of biodiversity. 


The group, now known as Faiths for Biodiversity, is currently working to increase awareness of the GBF amongst faith communities globally. They are also forging partnerships with other CBD constituencies, namely, youth, women, business and Indigenous Peoples & local communities. 


Get Involved: Contact the Faiths for Biodiversity group online


UN & Faiths SDG meeting, 2015, by ARC

First biodiversity network of FBOs 


WWF is supporting the first network of FBOs for coordinated advocacy on biodiversity at the global level. Formed following the launch of the 2020 Biodiversity Call to Action, the Faith and Biodiversity UN Coordination Group was established to ​space for faith-based organisations and conservation groups to network and jointly advocate for biodiversity at key international moments in order to set the stage for urgent action over the next 10 years. 

Activities include:


  • Strategic engagement at key international biodiversity moments.

  • Quarterly meetings to update members on plans and activities 

  • Monthly newsletter with news and updates 

  • Capacity building webinars and events 

  • Identifying key FBOs working in this field 

  • Mapping exercises to understand the work of members and identify gaps in knowledge


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Key organisations and networks leading faith-based advocacy

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Key guidance documents

Interested in getting a collaboration or a project going with a faith community but not sure where to start? Check out these key guidance documents.

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